Singing Guide: New Vaudeville Band

Singing Guide: New Vaudeville Band

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

New Vaudeville Band was founded in 1966 by British songwriter Geoff Stephens. Their music style is rooted in the American Jazz era of 1920. With their hit single, "Winchester Cathedral," the New Vaudeville Band became an international sensation, and their retro style never goes out of fashion. If you're seeking to learn singing like New Vaudeville Band and wish to build a repertoire, there are a few things to consider.

  1. Step 1: Warm-up and Practice

    A good warm-up is vital before singing. Start with breathing exercises and tongue-twisters to warm up your throat. Review Brett Mannings' "Singing Success" program and his breathing courses on Singing Carrots for guidance.

  2. Step 2: New Vaudeville Band vocal style

    New Vaudeville Band's music takes inspiration from the Jazz Era, and most of their songs are set in a mid-tempo range. Smooth and jazzy, they focus on harmonies that are tight and excellent pitch control. The singer's voice style is essential for a good performance because they tailor-make their sound with their vocal technique. The Vocal Range Test on Singing Carrots is an excellent way to figure out your singing range.

  3. Step 3: Perfect your voice technique

    New Vaudeville Band's songs rely on the art of modulation and the quality of the voice. You'll need to perfect the use of your voice to create the right mood and feel to execute their music. Learn how to balance between head voice and chest voice and how to sing in the mix voice with Singing Carrots' educational courses to cultivate excellent vocal control.

  4. Step 4: Record and analyze

    It's essential to record yourself singing and analyze your performance. You can benchmark your voice with a specialist vocal coach and measure your skills' improvement using Singing Carrots' progress statistics feature.

  5. Step 5: Focus on technique rather than emotion

    Jazz music, and in particular, New Vaudeville Band, emphasizes technique, phrasing, and proper execution rather than emotion. Concentrate on the precision of your pitch, proper harmonization, and phrasing rather than your feeling. Only then can you master the New Vaudeville Band singing style.

  6. Step 6: Explore the New Vaudeville Band repertoire

    Finally, you need to focus on their songs. Their songs are rooted in the Jazz Era, so start by listening to Armstrong, Calloway, and Ellington to refine your style. You can find songs matching your vocal range and preference on Singing Carrots' Song Search. Pay attention to the dynamics, modulation, and phrasing to get the feeling right.

By following these steps, you can learn to sing like the New Vaudeville Band. Remember: Practice makes perfect, so don't let your skill limit you!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.